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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a non-invasive ancient healing technique using universal energy, creating balance and well-being on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. The word Reiki pronounced “Ray-Key” consists of two Japanese words REI means “universal” and KI means “vital life force”. Together, these two words symbolize the concept of “Universal Life Force Energy”. Reiki is performed by a practitioner who has been administered a Reiki attunement by a Reiki Master. The Reiki master transfers Reiki to the student, this opens up the Heart, Crown and Palm Chakras, empowering the receiver to permanently open and connect to the Reiki energy.


The history of Reiki

The origin of Reiki can be traced back to ancient Tibet trough thousands of years. This technique was re-discovered in the 1800's by Dr Mikao Usui of Japan. If you would like to find out more about Reiki and its history, please check out


How is Reiki applied to my animal companion?

Reiki treatments can be applied hands-on in person or from a short distance and/or a remote location. Depending on the animal, the practitioner will choose the most appropriate method for the animal that is receiving Reiki. Some animals contend very well with hands-on-treatments. Others, however “especially abused and neglected animals” do not feel comfortable at first, therefore, the Reiki practitioner may choose to give Reiki from a short distance, or even from a remote location.


What does my pet experience during a Reiki session?

Animals are sentient beings that generally respond very positively to Reiki's healing energy. During a Reiki session the animal will experience a deep sense of relaxation; thus promoting healing, health and well-being on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. After the treatment, the animal may feel tranquil and sometimes revitalized.


Does Reiki cause any side-effects to my pet?

Reiki can only do good and never causes any harm to the client. Since Reiki is guided by the Higher Power, Universal Life-Force Energy is channelled through the practitioner and the energy is automatically directed to the areas where it is needed. However, sometimes a client may experience what is known as “Herxheimer Reaction” or healing crisis/cleansing process. The symptoms (i.e. lethargy, diarrhoea, itchy skin, digestive upset...) the client may experience are in fact needed to purify the body of toxins and improve health and well-being. This process can last between 1 day and 2 weeks, depending on the level of toxicity. Those clients who have a strong constitution or well-functioning eliminatory organs may not experience a healing crisis at all. If your pet should experience a Herxheimer Reaction, please don't worry or panic. Make sure that the animal gets plenty of rest and sufficient amount of water to help eliminate toxins from the body. Reiki can be used safely alongside conventional or alternative treatments.


What are the benefits of a Reiki treatment?

Reiki facilitates healing of the body on all levels including; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It helps to re-establish the body's natural balance promoting healing and well-being.


The following benefits you can expect for your animal companion:

  • promotes relaxation

  • reduce anxiety

  • speed up recovery time from an injury or illness

  • balance the bodies energy centres, also known as chakras

  • increases energy and vitality

  • correct behavioural issues

  • facilitate the transition between life and death



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